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3 Stages of Surface Bacteria Film Group Image 3 Stages of Surface Bacteria Film Group Image 3 Stages of Surface Bacteria Film Group Image 3 Stages of Surface Bacteria Film Group Image

Biofilm is a population of many different microorganisms that stick together in groups upon a variety of surfaces where moisture exists. These surfaces can be both living and non-living. These microorganisms commune within a protective layer which protects them from pool chemicals including chlorine. Polysaccharide, Proteins, Lipids and DNA are the starting components of cells which form these protective layers.


Biofilm Life Cycle Pie Image

Biofilm preconditioning stage may be a slow process for pool owners who practice proper maintenance. However biofilm is inevitable given enough time. For the under maintained pool, biofilm can take hold much faster.

In the preconditioning of biofilm, bacteria may group together enough to produce the building blocks of this stage. They begin to form a slim coat which then can be transferred to surfaces within your pool. As more bacteria are captured by this coating it begins to take hold and expand to allow for the formation stage. Once the development of the initial coating builds up it will start to collect both organic and inorganic contaminants by volume. In addition to this bacteria is able to thrive under these conditions and rapidly multiply. As layers upon layers continue to form over time surface hardening occurs to the underlying layers and may become very difficult to remove. At this stage mechanical removal or good ol elbow grease may be required to ride your system of this infestation. During both the formation stage and early surface hardenig stage biofilms continuously release new bacteria into the pool water creating a never ending cycle of havoc.

Biofilm Life Cycle Pie Image Biofilm Life Cycle Pie Image Biofilm Life Cycle Pie Image

Does this look familiar? The above images show the 3 stages of biofilm within a swimming pool circulation system. Biofilm may attach to any surface within and near pool water (such as just above the water line).

CDC Confirms
Biofilm's Impact . . .
CDC Confirms Biofilm Imapact Image CDC Confirms Biofilm Imapact Image CDC Confirms Biofilm Imapact Image CDC Confirms Biofilm Imapact Image


Biofilm Impact Group Image

Dramatic Changes

In the last 20 years we've encountered dramatic changes in the scientific understanding on how bacteria live, communicate, and grow within water. Many water treatment industries are now moving towards alternative methods to combat this long established, yet newly discovered threat to their water systems.

The swimming pool industry developed under the mistaken belief that the majority of bacteria remain in suspension within water systems. These bacteria floating around freely in your pool are called “Planktonic Bacteria”. This was thought to be the dominant environment where bacteria could be present. Within an active pool, these free floating bacteria move with your swimming pool's current created by its circulation system limiting their ability to congregate. It’s because of Planktonic Bacteria’s free-floating individuality that it becomes effectively vulnerable to traditional treatments such as sanitizers, ozone, chlorine or other chemicals.

Both current scientific research and the CDC have confirmed that as much as 65% of Bacteria thrive on surfaces found within water systems where Biofilm forms. Esentially, each of these enclosed water systems house two searate environments. The first environment being the free floating water where bacteria are vulnerable. And this second environment on surfaces which shelters and protects groups of bacteria from many of today’s traditional sanitization methods such as Chlorine and other chemicals. The majority of water quality management issues often missed by professional service companies and pool owners are largely the result of these overlooked Biofilm communities where massive amounts of bacteria exist and thrive. In addition to harboring bacteria, you will typically find algae’s, ammonia, calcium, organic and inorganic compounds, metal compounds, and many other forms of matter found in Biofilm. At times even viruses can be found within pool formed Biofilm. As more information becomes available, concern is increasing for many mindful individuals who manage swimming pools. Our service team will give you piece of mind by helping you resolve your pool's hidden communities of bacteria.

Planktonic Bacteria




Science and government agencies now acknowledge 2 Bacterial Domains in a Pool's Aquatic Environment.

Planktonic Bacteria (Free Floating Bacteria) are single-celled bacteria that live as floating organisms within an aquatic environment.

The Hidden Surface Bacteria Film Domain commonly refered to as Biofilm is a population of many different microorganisms that stick together in groups upon a variety of surfaces where moisture exists. These surfaces can be both living and non-living. These microorganisms commune within a protective layer which protects them from pool chemicals including chlorine. Polysaccharide, Proteins, Lipids and DNA are the starting components of cells which form these protective layers.

Traditional Pool Services previously and continue still today to recognize only one of these two domains; the Planktonic Domain.

Why is this the case? You may ask yourself. The simple answer is, their lack of knowledge of this relatively new scientific understanding of biofilm and its relationship with bacteria and other organic and inorganic materials. Much of the biofilm within your pool is hidden within the pipes and equipment and therefore is often overlooked.

Hidden Surface Bacteria

Commercial Pool Plumbing showing Biofilm Pipe Image Commercial Pool Plumbing showing Biofilm Pipe Image

New Science Pool Service offers a comprihensive system to break-up and dispose of all bacteria of both Domains within your Aquatic Pool Environment upon your initial contract.

Lightning Storm Image Lightning Storm Image Lightning Storm Image Lightning Storm Image

Forming in the Pool and Spa Industry!

Because of:

  • Lack of knowledge and proper management of Biofilm.
  • Use of Pesticides (Chlorine) within the Pool and Spa Industry causing a number of potentially harmfull reactions to you and your loved ones. Some examples include Reproductive complications, respritory damage and much more. For more information check out www.chlorinefreesolutions.com
  • Salt Pools (process of converting salt into Chlorine is used).

All Salt Pools are

Chlorine Pools!

How Saltwater Pools Work

Although salt alone may have minimal disinfecting capabilities, dissolving salt in a swimming pool will not result in a well managed environment. A salt chlorine generator machine is used to convert the added (salt or sodium chloride) plus water solution into chlorine.

It's baffling how few people understand this. Seller's of Saltwater Pool systems tend to leave this information out of their pitch leaving the customer to believe they have a chlorine free pool.

Pouring salt into a swimming pool does nothing more than add another corrosive element to your aquatic environment.

Man Pouring Salt in Swimming Pool Image


Chlorine Scientific Image Danger Chlorine Sign Image

Swimming Pool Chlorine Diseases

  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Dermal - Skin infection
  • Gastrointestinal Issues - Cryptosporidium
  • Male Fertility Problems
  • MRSA
  • Ocular - Eye infection
  • Potential for Various Cancers
  • Respiratory Infections – Legionella

Associated effects of chlorine exposure

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Chest Tightness
  • Coughing
  • Damage to Teeth
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Hoarseness of Throat
  • Loss of Voice
  • Male Infertility
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Pulmonary Edema
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Skin Rash
  • Swelling and Blisters
  • Wheezing

Mechanisms of Biofilm Tolerance

Mechanisms of Biofilm Tolerance Diagram

The tinted chlorine molecules, shown here in yellow, are shown attaching to the individual planktonic bacteria still suspended in the water. The chlorine is highly efficient at killing these planktonic bacteria.

Chlorine coming into contact with the top surface of the biofilm, depicted here by the yellow coloration gets absorbed and integrated into the biofilm structure.

The first layers of the bacteria are killed by the chlorine, however as the chlorine diffuses throughout and is absorbed by the biofilm the chemical sanitizer is diluted to a sub-lethal dose.

This exposure to a sub-lethal dose allows the bacteria to adapt to the *cidal agent and develop resistance to the toxic chemical.

An important question to ask is, does chlorine FEED Biofilm? Yes it does!

*Cidal: Suffix indicating killing of bactericidal (capable of killing bacteria)

Viscious Circle --- Biofilm --- Chlorine

Watch Go Down Image
Manor House Swimming Pool Manor House Swimming Pool Manor House Swimming Pool Manor House Swimming Pool

Biofilm Free Swimming Pools.

What it means to you...

  • Clearer Pool
  • Reduction in $ spent on Chlorine
  • Status - Ability to market a safer pool.
  • New Science - ability to eliminate Biofilm will allow a minimum required Chlorine Residule
  • Longevity of Pool (structural integrity of pool compoents and equipment) - Removal of Corrosive Elements

Accomplished ONLY by the use of

Accomplished ONLY by the use of

Accomplished ONLY by the use of

TZCD Plus UVC50 Image TZCD Plus UVC50 Image TZCD Plus UVC50 Image TZCD Plus UVC50 Image

Research and government agencies agree the most effective and safe sanitizer is UV-C50. However, Biofilm prevents 65% of all Bacteria from reaching your Ultra Violet Sanitizer.

The solution is to break up the Biofilm and return the Bacteria to its Planktonic State.

Target Zero Chlorine Demand does just that! It is a Proprietary Organic Protein Formulation designed down near a molecular level. No other product has been proven to break up your swimming pools hidden surface bacteria film and return the bacteria to its Planktonic (free-floating) state. This process makes bacteria mobile and susceptible to eradication as it passes through the Ultra Violet Sanitizer.


Get Certified!

Inspection Certificate Image

More and more people are learning how surface bacteria film impacts their swimming environment. Get an edge over the competition by earning a certificate that acknowledges your swimming pool is free and clear of surface bacteria film and its collection of contaminants. You will also receive both a datasheet showing a comprehensive water test results and a high resolution video of your internal circulation system as visual proof of the pools current status. With your permission we will prominently display your business name and location, a copy of your certificate alongside an image clip of your internal pipe on our Premium Platinum Pool page here on our website. If your swimming pool needs some attention, our service technician will comprise a detailed recommended service proposal specially designed to put your pool on the road to becoming surface bacteria film free.


Pool Status Sign Image

Inspection Evaluation (First Visit)

  • Hidden Surface Bacterial Video Analysis
  • Collection of Surface Biofilm for Analysis
  • Biofilm Stage Evaluation
  • Customer Video Review and Results
  • Schedule Proposal Evaluation

Proposal Evaluation

  • Surface Biofilm Sample Confirmation Result
  • Official Proposal of Terms and Services
  • Negotiate Terms and Services (if Required)
  • Proposal Acceptance
  • Schedule Start Date

Both the load on your pool and the amount of chlorine used are determining factors when properly evaluating Biofilm infiltration within your pools hidden surfaces. Each Pillar is evaluated during the process we use to purge all surface biofilm.

It’s important to note that there are many variables that may shorten or extend the eradication period specific to your pool’s needs. We take careful consideration of the special needs of each individual aquatic environment based on a variety of possible outcomes.

Our professional team of Biofilm eradicating experts utilize high end pipeline video equipment to scope a pool’s internal circulation system to determine what stage of Biofilm formation is present within your pool. To take it one step further, your service specialist will procure a sample from your pool’s system for a lab analysis for confirmation of this service. Once our evaluation is complete we’ll lay out a comprehensive strategy for your consideration to get you and your loved ones on your way to a healthier more enjoyable swimming experience.


  • Video of Internal Section of Line
  • Surface Bacteria Infiltration Stage
  • Recommended Service Proposal


For A Limited Time Only Promotional Image


  • Implementation of SBM System’s 4 Pillar System
    (Not all services available apply to your pool’s needs)
  • Necessary Equipment Installations
  • Initial Water Purge and Filtering
  • Water Dump or Cycling
  • Mechanical Biofilm Removal

We’ll take a rapid approach to getting your aquatic environment on its way to a healthier Bacteria free and safe from over-exposure to Chlorine lifestyle. This is the step where we physically transition your pool system with the necessary components and proper services necessary to implement SBM’s 4 Pillar System.

Pool Service Man Clear Debris Image Pool Service Man Clear Debris Image Pool Service Man Clear Debris Image Pool Service Man Clear Debris Image


  • Yearly Re-Evaluation of all equipment and Hidden Surface Bacteria Film
  • Weekly Care of your Aquatic Environment and surrounding areas.
  • Weekly water Testing
  • Water Treatment Corrections (if necessary)
  • Building Sterilization and Upkeep is Optional
Submerged Pool Water Image Submerged Pool Water Image Submerged Pool Water Image Submerged Pool Water Image Submerged Pool Water Image

Swimming Pool

Service Franchise

Join a New Revolution in Swimming Pool Maintenance

New Science Pool Service (NSPS) is offering an exciting new opportunity to motivated entrepreneurs whom project positivity, display integrity and hold a strong desire to deliver excellence in service. New Science Pool Service in association with SBM Systems is revolutionizing outdated standards in water management of swimming pool systems. Weather you are an existing business owner or you are an ambitious newcomer to the industry, we will walk you step-by-step on the training path to becoming an important and prosperous NSPS member.

  • Industry Peak Return on Investment
  • Booming Business Opportunity
  • Systematic Business Structure
  • Financial Freedom
  • No Competition

Improve the Health of Others.

Clear Debris Pool Maintenance Image New Science Pool Service Man Image